Wednesday, July 15, 2009

ppa 7, ga 12

losing team usually doesn't post but this was a nice write-up for our office:

The Polshek Daily Misleader

Issue 7: Late Mourning Edition

Editor-In-Thief: Adam “Well That’s Over My Head” Mead

It’s definitely a “The Glass is Half Full” moment, as Polshek comes up short against Last Year’s Champs

The Omens were there before we even got to the A train, a lonely cab parked on West 13th, driver hunched at his door, left ajar, shaking his head, in what seemed to be his obvious bewilderment at Team Polshek, but as we passed the passenger side, we all caught full glimpse of his true task, for there, cast in the late afternoon shadows of mighty Gotham was a glass half full, yellow as the cab. Now we all know there is the saying, when life gives you lemons, make lemonade, well, this cabby had other plans. We tried desperately to shake off the blurry visions even Dante would have found troubling. As we came up from the 96th street stop, the sun was kind enough to wash our brains, collectively, clear of the horrors of west 13th. We walked, we stretched, we threw the balls back n forth, our worthy opponents, Gensler, stood clad in red, unaware of what they were about to face. We came to the plate after limiting their first swings to nothing but outs, 3 to be precise. We sent Steve to the plate first, he did his worst, in the end the first inning had us up 4-0, maybe it was written in the stars, today, team Polshek would leave behind those west 13th street visual scares. Big Red Gensler came charging back quickly with 3 runs of their own, leaving us feeling rather sickly. There were several innings of no score, but the guy selling water & juice all over the north lawn would make certain it wasn’t a bore. Gensler began to creep into the lead, damn that balls over my head, where’s my trusty steed? We fought like champs, well at least we were playing the champs, for in the end it was not to be, it was not team Polshek who would be jumping with glee, we just didn’t have what it took, if you looked at the score card, one look was all it took, 12-7 is how we lost. Steve said we weren’t playing within ourselves, but I was beside myself, and if I could have played head and shoulders above the rest maybe I could have gotten to that ball, you see these words are just one big stall. Well we left the field only to be greeted by several of our wayward Polshekians, come to see us play, Marketing, well that is where they stay. They had come too late for this game of defeat, but just in time to witness our greatest feat, pitchers and wings at McAleer’s. You see, this is all it takes to quell any and all of our fears. Thanks for the effort Marketing!

We now find ourselves with the water just under our noses, at 3-4 our record poses, come out to cheer us on at our next game, hey maybe you’ll even get to see that Cabby, and complain.

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