Editor –In-Thief: Adam “Slippity Slide” Mead
July 8, 2009
A Little Mascara, and a Dose of Thunder Push Polshek Through
I am not sure what was in our blood last night, but maybe it was the shoes…we started earlier and often again The Phillips Group. Even a whirling Dervish would’ve been amazed at how we seemed to score at will, all the while looking as if we had no idea what we were doing. We went backwards, then forwards, we almost ran the bases twice just for kicks. The sun was in our eyes, and it came as no surprise that TPG would not give up but we kept TPG at bay, each time they crept closer we answered with 2 or 3 or 4 runs. David “Thunder Pants” Coxson ran the bases like he had, well thunder in his pants, Graeme “I am going to spin myself into the ground” Reed almost ran over Monica Yuki, in his mad dash to home plate. In the end 12-8 was the score, the minutiae and minor facts were a bore, but as usual we pushed our victory farther as we entered the halls of McAleer’s Pub, the cold pitchers kept a-coming, and at their side the Chicken Wings were dead & done running. We even met an over-sized friendly giant at the bar, he came from the east, he told us that was far. Some left early, some stayed late, but in the end, both our victories, on the field and at the bar, were great!
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