Ennead Gazzette
Late Afternoon Edition Vol 1, Version 2.0
Out of the Bush and into the Briar
Editor-Back in Relief: Adam “don’t ask me” Mead
2012 Season Premiere.
The wind was rustling the newly bloomed leaves, as Team Ennead, with its newly crowned team en-tow walked across Central Park West. The Sphere of Polshek’s past leered menacingly from across the street as we disappeared behind dipping branches, over yonder, under that tree, on a bench, some woman was eating a sandwich. We were bringing fresh faces to the field, but the question to ponder was, would our talent hold up again Gensler, or yield? We were held together in a mismatched array of t-shirts and sneakers. Have I ever mentioned I always like that character on the Muppets, his named was Beeker. Now as luck would have it, we lost the coin toss, we would bat first, but I tell you it would be Gensler’s great loss. We swung our bats, it was 1, 2, 3, and before I could even blink we were in the field down 0-11 in utter disbelief, without an ounce of leftover glee. We looked around to one another in dismay, and wondered aloud if this was merely not our day. The score kept creeping to the wrong side of the scoreboard. Now I know it might sound blasphemous, but even 1 day after Easter Jesus would have let out an “Oh Lord!?!” It was somewhere near the end, when our wee bitty legs were about to bend, but, before the break, Aaron Raymound, came from far afield, caught two miraculous balls, and had us thinking of a re-written end. He took his bat, and like Casey hit it hard, it flew far and over head, as he ran the bases his lungs sounded quite dead. But it was to be a day of extremes and his was a homer, 1 run to their 17, well, what can I say it was a bummer. Now I don’t need to remind most of you how last year ended, it was long and drawn out, our hope completely up ended. So we begin this year, like we ended the last, sitting at the bar with Beer and Wings having a blast.
0-1 & nowhere to go. Will we rise up, reborn, or stay static on the Hospital table, flat-lined, barely able? You guess is as good as mine. Next Game 4/23/12 Great Lawn #4 vs Perkins Eastman Kodak @6:45 pm. Come check us out, or merely watch as it turns into a rout.
Thanks to All the new Players this year. We fought hard for such a lopsided game, and let it be known to all, that laughter, it’s part of the game!
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