The “This is how it ends?” Express
Editor-In-Good Grief: Adam “Where’s my TV Dinner?” Mead
“Ennead Shows Heart, Now that’s A Start…Next Year Already?”
“Deferred gratification and delayed gratification denote a person’s ability to wait in order to obtain something that he or she wants. This intellectual attribute is also called impulse control, will power, self control, and “low” time preference, in economics. Sociologically, good impulse control is considered a positive personality trait, which psychologist Daniel Goleman indicated as an important component trait of emotional intelligence. “
Team Ennead took their week-end yearning weary bodies, and dragged themselves into a Friday night fight. The Sun cutting through the kicked up dust, this was surely going to help us knock off the rust. Perkins Eastman was our willing opponent, now our team needed some help, some missing component. Now if I had to surmise I wouldn’t have guessed it was the sun in our eyes, but rather a “lose” hiding out beyond the trees in some well suited disguise. PEA took quickly to making us squirm, they ran around the bases like some human worm. But regardless of our verbal jabs, and the fact one on our teammates had 6 back abs, five runs they scored, “Serentity NOW!”, I implored. It took some time, but with two outs in the 5th, the planets did align, team ennead let out a last gasp, 5 runs around the bases, holding our breath that we would not trip over our untied laces. The game was tied, could it be, the softball gods could be bribed? Now as in life, all things aren’t always fare, you see, we have had 7 loses, almost too much to bear. But, today Lucy, looked us square in the eye, and pulled that ball quickly away, all 9 of us, feet flying high, right into the blue sky. PEA would not go away, and with their mischievous tactics, running the bases like playing gymnastics. Another run on their side of the scorecard, it was too much too handle, where in the damned remote control so I can fast forward? Team Ennead showed heart, maybe only enough fight for 1 inning, but that’s a start. We fell to our feet 0-8-1. Two more games left in the season, there’s nothing left to say, and surely not any reason. So don’t hold your breath, but after this season, I am moving to Vegas to sing Kiss’ song “Beth”. Tuesday and Thursday are all that remain, but remember, as always, it’s only a game!
Shout out to Anthony for helping us out in the field, and his little daughter for yelling “OUT” before he batted, as well as Mr. Geisinger, our lone fan. We’ll take what we can get!
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