As we anxiously await for the 2009 season schedule to be posted to the league website, we keep our fingers crossed for a majority of games where we always seem to play well. At the suggestion of David Solomon (manager of HM/RAMSA), we have added a new feature to the league standings page. You now have the ability to filter team records by season and field. Who would have known last season that Hecksher Field #1 had Gensler (champion two years running) at 0-2 with a 0.611 Ratio, while RRA/DBB (last year's 9th place team) was 2-0 with a 5.00 ratio. This statistical feature will be especially neat in years to come when more data has been compiled.
I can't help but wonder if Gensler (league commissioner / schedule maker) takes these results into consideration when laying out the schedule and "mysteriously" leaves themselves off of any games at Hecksher. I guess we will just have to wait and see.